This is the final edition of the Vitallight Newsletter in 1999. It was printed on the second day of the Haul with 99 days remaining in 1999 and the 20th century. It is the 5th or 6th version that was sent out to a mailing list of nearly 1000 aquaintances or random folks, warning them to expect a random visit during the Hundred Day Haul. This was the communcating tool that grabbed the audience and created the travel net. The map is shrunk down, and the actual version measures 16X20, it was on display all summer at the Vineyard Artisans Festival in 1999. It is a cartoon display of the projected route to touch 48 states in 100 days as the century expires. Note the Millennium Phalcon being dropped in to the scene. It was aquired just 11 days earlier. The Tisbury Printer printed all the Vitallights through a bartered arrangement:Color Copies for Lawn-Care. The article on the right was published in the Heavy version of the Labor Day Vineyard Gazette.